Timing is TRULY everything

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Some of you might already know me but there are many that I have yet to meet. Please allow me to officially introduce myself.

My name is Kelly Fiallos and I’m the JCFit In-House Nutrition Coach. I grew up in Dallas, Texas and moved to Jersey City over 4 years ago. Jersey City has been my home ever since. My passion for nutrition and wellness stemmed from my obsession with cooking. When I was 16, I became infatuated with creating the healthiest, most nutritious meals full of color and vibrancy. Living with a family that ate red meat and little vegetables every day, I tried to impress them with how delicious healthy food could be. I guess it became a hobby of mine. I was hyperaware of what I was putting into my body and tried to influence them to do the same. I’ve actively surrounded myself with the world of health and wellness ever since. 

When I moved to Jersey City, I continued my college education while working at a local spa (you might’ve heard of om.life). Throughout that time of growth, my passions became even more clear for me. I picked up a second job at the front desk of JCFit while I finished school.

After a few months of being with the JCFit team, Russell offered me something I had only ever dreamt of: the opportunity to educate and help others with their nutrition – not only for the physical body but the entire self. Timing is truly everything.

“I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky.” – Oprah Winfrey

My credentials: B.A. in Biology, Certified Nutrition Coach (PN1)

And currently completing a Holistic Nutritionist Certification

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